Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Painting Project

On a snow day we were doing any type of project we could think of and on this day we decided to do finger painting. Logan loves to play with paint and he likes to wipe it on others.....especially Daddy. The one picture I am trying to get him to the bathroom to wash his hands but it looks like I am abusing him!!!

Day 5 of Snow Storm 2010

Ok - Today is day 5 of the Great Snowstorm 2010 and it's still snowing. Logan has been cooped up inside with us for 4 days since both of us are off work because of the snow. I have attached some pictures of us playing around the dinning room window. Logan makes me laugh so much!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow Storm 2010

The snow started on Friday February 5th. I noticed some snow at lunch time but nothing out of the ordinary. I left work at 5:00 PM to go pick Logan up @ school, the roads in the city weren't too bad but then I got a mile outside and it was a different story. Needless to say I got to his school at 5:40 PM, poor guy he was the last of about ten kids there,he didn't seem to notice. It took us another half hour to get home. Come Saturday morning we had a lot of snow.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cookie Night

Logan and Scott had bought cookie cutters one night when they were at Giant Eagle and finally tonight we were able to use them. It was fun but very messy. Logan liked the cookie batter especially the butter mix. He also liked playing in the flour. We ended up making three dozens. Logan's clothes were covered in flour!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Giant Eale shopping Night

Tonight we took Logan food shopping with us. When we were in the bulk section Logan decided he wanted down, so I let him, what a mistake. He decided to pick up the scoops provided and found "candy" and started to play with the candy in the bin. We eventually put some in a bag and bought them. He is such a funny little guy and so smart.

Logan's 3rd Birthday

I can't believe it Logan is already 3 years old. We had an Elmo party and Logan got a lot of gifts. He was so excited and thanked everyone, he was so cute.