Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Under the weather

So over the weekend Logan started feeling sick. He wasn't himself, had a fever and was pretty much just lying around, or screaming. We thought he had Hand, Foot Mouth Disease but took him to the doctor and found that he has cold sores. He has a few around his mouth and some IN his mouth. So he's miserable. In turn, WE are miserable. He also may have a tooth coming in to add to the fun. The last few days and nights have been pretty lousy for us. We feel so bad for him and we also feel bad that we're losing so much sleep. I sure hope he gets over this soon. We're not sure how he could get cold sores but he's got them.

There is a little good news though. The landscapers have come!! We've got men scurrying around the front yard, digging and building and soon planting. It's so exciting to things actually happening after 4 months of NOTHING. Still no word on what's going to happen to the crook we originally hired but hopefully justice will be served, and soon!

That's it for now. Dallas has stayed home with Logan for the past 2 days and is about at the end of his rope. You stay at home Moms are amazing. I have nothing but complete respect for you!

1 comment:

Monique said...

Awwww..I read your post three days after the fact (it's 8/29/08). I hope Logan is on the mend. Trust me...we've had the HFM disease run through our family TWICE so we know what your'e going through in regards to the uncomfortable-ness. Have a great Labor Day weekend!
