Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 3 - Free Day

Today is Tuesday, July 10th. Logan had an OK night last night. He fell asleep around 6:00pm, then woke up around 7:30. He had part of a bottle of formula then just couldn't keep his eyes open and we put him in his crib. Everything was fine until 2:00am. Logan woke up and wasn't happy. He wasn't screaming but he was crying and wouldn't stop. He wanted to be picked up and held. The orphanage had given us a little biography on him yesterday and in it they mentioned that he likes to be held. That's an understatement! So, Dallas picked him up and walked around with him for a while. He ended up falling asleep around 3:30 and then slept until around 8:00. He would've slept longer but we wanted to get him up and try to get him on some sort of schedule. He was REALLY hungry when he woke up and quickly downed almost a whole bottle of formula.

We're finding that he's very, um, regular. For the record, Scott changed TWO diapers today (both very messy and not fragrant) and did just fine. For all of you who thought I couldn't/wouldn't do it - you were wrong, just like I said you were. It's not fun but it's manage-able. The other parents are all reporting constipation issues, but not Logan. So far he's doing just fine in that department. For all you non-parents reading this, I apologize. I know poop stories are not what you're looking for.

We went shopping this morning with the group of families. We kind of got a little lost but ended up finding our way. They had a pretty nice grocery store. It's of course not as huge as our Robinson Giant Eagle but it had more than enough of what we needed, especially formula. So far we haven't given Logan anything but formula and he seems fine. The pediatrician in Pittsburgh told us that if he wasn't already on it when we got here, we should just not introduce food to him until he's in the U.S. A very good thing is that he's totally comfortable drinking the formula at room temperature. I just mix it up and he takes it.

We ate lunch at Highlands Coffee. It's Vietnam's version of Starbucks - they're everywhere. Both the food and the drinks were very good. We're kind of relaxing at the apartment now. We're going to meet the group for dinner at 6:00. The other families that are here with us couldn't be better. They're each fun and just very good people. It's nice to have others going through the same things to be there to support each other. I've enjoyed spending time with all of them.

One final quick note. Dallas has tried using the combination washer/dryer in the apartment. Not sure how it's going to turn out but we'll put in a report tomorrow. As you can see, today was a very low-key day. It was exactly what we needed after the hectic day yesterday. Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

AGoldstein said...

Welcome to parenting guys! You find yourself talking about poop stories and endless nights as naturally as you do about the weather... Just one of the many indications that life as you knew it is changing... Sounds like you are embracing the whole experience wonderfully. And - trust me - there are many wonderful stories that will come from all of this... stories that will keep you laughing... Keep sharing and keep experiencing it all fully! With much love -- Adam and Di from Tallahassee