Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday, July 18th

We had a very good today. It started out fairly normal - Logan woke up around 2:30am and was a little hungry. He ate and then went back to sleep until around 6:00. We hung around the apartment and took a walk about mid-morning. The weather was actually bearable today; cloudy with a breeze and no rain. Then at 1:00pm all the families piled into a van and went to our offical government doctor visit. The hospital was pretty run down and there were people already waiting when we got there. But, as always, being the American rock stars that we are, we butted right ahead of them. They took us to an air-conditioned room (everyone else waited in plastic chairs outside in the heat) to wait for not very long. We paid our 800,000 Dong ($50 U.S.) and then they took us to another air-conditioned room to have the babies examined. It didn't amount to much of an examination. The doctor asked a few questions, listened the babies' breathing, gave them the once-over and that was pretty much it. No fuss no muss.

We were a bit afraid of how Logan was going to be after his performance at Immigration on Monday, but it turned out just fine. He was great! He laughed and smiled and totally turned on the charm the whole time we were there. I guess that talking-to I gave him on Monday evening worked afterall. :-) The trip couldn't have been smoother.

We got back from the doctor visit and decided to all go to dinner together. We went to a Texas Roadhouse! It's owned by a Vietamese-American woman who once lived in Texas. The food was very good and it was nice to have a little touch of food that we're used to. Logan continued his almost-perfect behavior at the restaurant. He actually let us eat our entire meal while he sat quietly in his stroller. The waitress took him and one of the other babies on a little stroll around the patio area and everyone ooh'ed and ah'ed over him. We capped off the night with a great taxi ride by an honest driver who actually didn't take the long way! On our way out of the cab, the driver said, "Lucky baby, good luck with baby." He got a nice tip.

It's now almost 8:00 and we're back at the apartment. We've got no more official meetings until next Monday afternoon in Hanoi. Our flight leaves HCMC for Hanoi on Sunday so we have 3 full days to do whatever we want here. We'll keep you posted.

Good night.

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